Staff Blog

What are notes without a bit of color?

What are notes without a bit of color? With 25 colors to choose from, Zebra's Mildliners are among the most popular of stationery goods to have! Not only do they add some much needed variety to monotone lecture notes, their soft and pastel-like colors can help you personalize planners, memos, and more. Use them traditionally to highlight text, or use them as a marker to color all sorts of things! (/・ω・)/ Each Mildliner has a broad chisel tip and a fine pointed tip at opposite ends, giving you great versatility for your creative needs!⁠⠀⁠⠀What do you use your Mildliners for?⁠⠀⁠⠀Mildliners are now available at our online store! Check out the link in our bio to shop for some colorful goodness! ;)⁠⠀⁠⠀#studyinspiration #studyinspo #studylife #studying #studywithme #studymotivation #study #stationery #japanesestationery #japangoods #drawing #stationeryaddict #文房具 #文具 #ステーショナリー #文房具好きな人と繋がりたい #ノート #手帖タイム #手帳生活 #日本製 #ハワイ #オアフ島 #ハワイ暮らし #ハワイ大好き #hakubundo #bujo #bulletjournal #planner #planneraddict #mildliner

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