Tote bags, beach bags, ecofriendly bags, lunch bags, bottle bags, insulated bags, we have them all! Don’t forget to carry a bag when you go out. For your groceries, books, beach day, and especially for the masks and gloves when you don’t see a trash bin. We have a variety of bags available online, at Ward Center, and Pearlridge Mall. Come check us out! Call ahead if you see a bag you love, and we can hold it for you! #hakubundo #stationary #beachbag #totebag #everydayuse #hakubundobag #hakubundoonline #printedbag #catbag #dogbag #totebags #lunchbag #stayathome #shoppingbag #ecobag #japaneseecobag #ecofriendly #workfromhome #japanesestationary #hawaii #newproduct #pearlridgeshoppingcenter #wardvillage #sustainableliving #onlinestore #hakubundoonlinestore ________________________________________Ward Location1200 Ala Moana Blvd no. 649Honolulu, HI 96814Ph no. 808-947-5503Monday-Saturday Hours: 11 AM – 7 PMSunday Hours: 12 PM – 6 PM________________________________________Pearlridge Location98-1005 Moanalua Rd no. 823Aiea, HI 96701Ph no. 808-591-2134Monday-Saturday Hours: 11 AM – 7 PMSunday Hours: 12 PM – 6 PM
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