Staff Blog

Love Jetstream pens? This multi-pen and 3 colors might be for you.

Love Jetstream pens? This multi-pen and 3 colors might be for you. 🖊️Rotate the top of the pen to reveal the different pen color or pencil. Its sleek design is perfect for a classy look.⁠⁠⁠⁠#hakubundo #stationery #pen #japanesestationery #schoolsupplies #hawaii #hawaiishops #aloha #pearlridge #onlineshopping #onlinestore #文房具 #文具 #ステーショナリ#ボールペン #ハワイ #日本型 #stationarylove #stationaryaddict #pencil #ballpointpen #ballpoint #pens

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