Staff Blog

Day 9: Tepra Label Maker and Tape

Day #9: Tepra Label Maker & Tape ⁠⠀⁠⠀The tepra tape printer is a great gift to give during the holidays. It's programmed with different fonts, frames, and icons plus dozens of washi tapes to choose from. They are fun for labeling your notebooks, pens, and anything you can think of! ⁠⠀⁠⠀⁠⠀#xmas #holiday #gift #holidays #gifts #giftideas #presents #christmas #merrychristmas #christmastime #hakubundo #tepratape #tepralite #labelprinter #washitape #washiwednesday #plannercommunity #planner #bujo #journaling #journal #stationery #japanesestationery #japangoods #sketch #schoolsupplies #stationeryaddict #stationeryshop #mattewashitape

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