Back to school supplies for this spring semester!Need help staying organized? 🖊️We have our Kurufit binders. Perfect for note-taking, is slim, and flexible. Available in 2 sizes, A5 and B5. We also sell refillable paper and dividers that can help you keep track of multiple classes. Shop at our store located in Pearlridge Center.#hakubundo #stationery #japanesestationery #schoolsupplies #hawaii #hawaiishops #pearlridge #文房具 #文具 #ステーショナリー #文房具好きな人と繋がりたい #ノート #手帖タイム#手帳生活 #ハワイ #日本型 #日本製 #stationarylove #stationaryaddict #stationeryaddict #stationerycollection #stationerygeek #notebooklove
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