Don't forget our closing sale at Ward Center!! 50% off storewide, Made in Hawaii, Japanese published books, and Japanese magazines 70% off! Also, at our Ward location only, purchase $35* or more to get a free Hakubundo original clear file – S'S Blue's Auahi street print! Only for a limited time. Also, we still have our Fukubukuros at both locations! If you are feeling courageous, test your look to see all the goodies stuffed in the bags! :)$50 ($75 value) $100 ($200 value) *Spend $35 (after discounts/before $5 dollar off coupon) or over to receive an S'S Blue Auahi Street Clear file. #hakubundo #fukubukuro #luckybag #sale #closingsale #hawaii #madeinhawaii #hawaii #hawaiishops #lovehawai #hawaiiliving #aloha #wardvillage #pearlridge #kawaii
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